We cruise beside forests of impossible greens, all the while exploring deep, clear-jade waters that teem with life. Our quiet vessels, which so ably invoke an earlier time, drift among icebergs and through narrow fjords that are fresh from the glaciers’ gouge. There is not a day when underway that I am not moved to tears by the breathtaking beauty of our cruising grounds. Why invest in a trip that feeds only a few of your senses? We use large battery banks that allow us to go for 12 hours without starting an engine to disrupt the quiet solitude that is at the core of a Pacific Catalyst trip. The older 1924 Atlas, the oldest running one in the world outside of the Smithsonian, graces the Westward with the same life beat.

The slow pulse of our original 1932 Washington Diesel engine, the only one like it in the world, makes Catalyst a living creature with a strong iron heart. Our warm interiors, with decades-old varnished wood paneling, heavy beamed ceilings, and glowing mahogany trim and furniture, take us back to a time when craftsmanship was the rule rather than the exception. I hope that you will take the time to wander through our website and become our shipmates in a water-borne adventure.